Sunday, March 18, 2007

Pictures Of A Beautiful Child

Today I spent quite a bit of time...searching for...finding,,,
and looking through family picture..then taking digital
pictures of them...and storing these in my computer. The
digital pictures of the pictures...almost all suffered from
fuzzy its back to the drawing board with this. There are some I might even be using in a project...that I
have to find a way of getting good copies of...but at least...
after my searching and finding...I know exactly where they are. The picture taking not working out...was not the part
of this operation that was the most difficult. What was not
easy...was looking through pictures of my daughter...when
she was little. I've often said that she was one of the most
photographed little girls in the I had many pictures to go through...what was hard for me was seeing
what a beautiful and delightful child she was...and knowing
...that time will never return. I'm sure there are a lot of
parents who have had that feeling...but life is...among other
things...flowing forward...and even when your remember
something from the past...fondly...looking at it...and remembering...then...letting it go.


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