Friday, November 28, 2008

Reflections On A Wet Day

Recently came back to my home...from off of streets that have become uninviting today.
It is grey...drizzling enough to get you wet if you spend much time...out there...
and there is a dampness in the air...that reminds me of time spent in London...England. Looking at the tv news...I am reminded...however...that so much about relative. There must be a lot of injured and traumatized Mumbai...who would trade this day here...for the day they are living through there...right now.'s actually...a day of feeling empathy for the suffering people there...and counting blessings here...that I shouldn't allow a little grey and obscure. As for the creatures who perpetrated this suffering far away from where I am today...I do a lot of writing...but words fail describing them...and the depths they have descended to. Maybe one day...this insanity will cease..............Quester.


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