Monday, April 25, 2005

As You Probably Already Know

In a recent posting I mentioned how "Email Time" can be a "laceration free zone". For years I've known how human beings can
benefit each other as they interact, but, sometimes, create a "laceration dense zone", with the tactless and unempathetic
things they say to each other, that can stop a fruitful meeting from happening. One of the ways this disruption of good
communication happens, is the way some people, sometimes, do not actknowledge, what the person they're talking to has
said, but, ego to the fore, dismiss or even try to "trump" it. A friend of mine, in Paisley, Scotland, once taught me, without
trying to be a teacher, an optimum way of actknowledging, someone you're trying to communicate with. After I had said
something, he'd say, "Well D, as you probably already know"...and then state his opinion. This simple preface to what he was
about to say, made me feel he was recognising, that I had some ideas of my own, before he told me some of his, and made
me want to listen to what he had to offer. When I can remember to, I have practised this lesson in good communication, and
it always seems to help my inter-faces with others. This approach does you probably already know!. Quester.


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