Working With What You've Got
Someone, who has asked me in the past to comment on her writing, has not responded to my email introducing my blog...
interesing...people not being prepared, to give, what they want to receive...happens all the time in our world. Sometimes...
when there has been one more let down from one of the flock...I almost give up hope about such an undependable lot...
then I remember...that I can't decide...right...I've had I'm going to spend some time with the liberated beings
of Mars or Pluto...I remember that...reliable or not...this is who I've got to work with...and there are really no options...
unless you go the cat or dog route for reliable companionship...but knowing that really doesn't work for me. I also realize...
that I too have done my share of let like forgiving myself...and forgiving everyone else...for sins committed
or still to be delivered the only way to go. Life...when all is said and about working with what you've got...
rather than waiting...for yourself or anyone arrive at perfection...before you start living...or loving...Quester.
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