Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Creativity Rules 2

In my time, I've given workshops encouraging creativity, that usually have at their core, telling about the benefits of creating to a person's growth, development or holistic health, rather than the millions it will make. I think judging creativity based on its money making capacity, does a disservice to its value beyond that. Not everyone who creates well might want to jump through the hoops necessary to sell their work. Not everyone who creates might come up with jewels of creation. Beyond the outcome attached to what we create, I see benefits. I see, how bringing new entities into the world, develops a certain confidence in the person who does it. I see, creating things, as being one of the central ways in which a citizen can reach for balance in a society imbanced towards consumerism. I see, how engaging in acts of creation over many years, can help to liberate a human being from childhood chains, as he or she becomes adept at processing thoughts and feelings, in words, or shapes and colours, even resulting in a person reclaiming the proprietorship of his or her mind, owned early on by other forces. I see how creating over a long period of time, can turn someone into an "Inner Athlete", whether the world knows it or not. So...let the books, cd's, paintings and other creations sell if they will, but let those who create, or are even thinking about it, know, that their are benefits to creating beyond all that, and start to do so, or, simply, keep on...keepin' on. Quester.


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