Correctors Anonymous
Of the many addictions our sometimes hyper-active egoes offer us...the addiction to correcting others is one of the most
highly represented. I know...clarity in our own thoughts and speech is something worth aiming for...however...going out of your way to correct someone who has commited the mortal sin of being incorrect in your often...not necessary. it can be more of a measure of the corrector's ego being to the fore than anything else. Once...someone who I had known in previous conversations...for his "lawyer for the prosecution" tendencies...leapt at contradicting something I was saying...that in its own "Inner Lawyer" councelled wording...was laying open the possibility for other approaches to the subject being expressed ...anyway. I smiled at the predictability of the response and said..."Whatever you say...doesn't matter to me...I've overcome my addiction to being correct!". I'll never forget the look of bepuzzlement on the face of the "prosecutor" he encountered ...what seemed to be for the first time...the notion that having to religiously correct others could possibly be an addiction. I've thought since then...that I should form a recovery group called "Correctors Anonymous"..."C.A." for short...and when we have our group therapy a test to see how well we have recovered....see which of the participants will fall off the wagon first...and correct someone...human enough to be incorrect...once in a while....................Quester.
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