Thursday, May 26, 2005

The Sun Is Still My Leader

It's summer in May today... in Vancouver...warm...with the sun in a totally blue sky. I am being called to go down by the water, and take it all in, like thousands of my fellow citizens. Too much to do today...maybe I'll join them tomorrow.
Whenever I don't heed the call of the go out into it...preferably near the water...I feel a bit guilty. Maybe this has to do
with my tropical beginnings...or maybe that's just the way a lot of people feel. I wouldn't call myself a sun worshipper...but
the sun has also been a force in my artist and journeyer's life. The sun has been central to many songs I've written...including: "The Sun is My Leader"..."Sun Fever"...and "Bound For The Sun" the last named song becoming a destination on the spirit journey. When I started picture after the other began...with the sun in the top right hand corner. This went on through picture after picture...until I had to make a colossal effort to start my pictures in a different way...and weaned myself only partially away...from my helio-centric approach...which still returns...reminding me that the sun is still very much in my life. So...with a little luck...I'll find myself under the sun...and by the water... tomorrow...for although I may disobey orders from time to time..."The Sun Is Still My Leader............Quester.


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