Monday, September 12, 2005

Faint Flickerings

It's been about forty minutes since I started waiting pen in hand...blank page before me...for something to write about and
post today. In that time there hasn't been a total absence of thought...but more...the experiencing of mute flickerings in a
distant place in me...beyond a layer of clouds. More than anything is a commentary on the "space I'm in' they
used to say in the "time of flowers and slowed thought processes"...rather than an absence of things to write about...which I
know are always abundance. A thought about the aftermath of the hurricane...pulses faintly by...followed by the
notion..."but what is there left to say about something so awful". Then a verse of a song of mine called: "Pictures of another time"...takes its turn as an introduction to a piece about the legions of people I've known...but have lost touch which
the devil's advocate in me whispers..."Come on...think forward...not backward!". Perhaps another time I will honour some of
these people with a posting...but the tide is flowing in another direction today. And so...the muted thoughts and dismissals
have gone I waited...until I can no longer wait...and excuse myself from waiting for a reluctant muse today...and start
in to writing about "faint flickerings"...on a day replete with...inner and outer clouds.........................Quester.


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