Friday, December 16, 2005

Back To The Fret Board

[Written yesterday]. It was a sunny but chilly day I walked by the Bay. The mountains across the way were in
bold relief...and the water was a cobalt's unusual darkness probably a measure of the coldness of the day. After
returning home refreshed...I listened to a voice and guitar cd of mine...something I hadn't done in quite a while. It was a
good thing I did...I found myself being impressed with the guitar accompaniment I was playing. I think the reason I was...
had to do with the fact that if I were asked to play those wouldn't be able to...given my recent lack of
practice. Those guitar parts were the result of a lot of practice leading up to the recording of the material...for that cd.
So...listening to my work this day turned out to be...not just a narcisstice exercise...but was a strong reminder of the daily guitar practice I have to return to...any day now.....................Quester.


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