A Working Contradiction
A week before Christmas Day...and I still haven't entered into the rush to the stores. Every year I have this debate with myself
...about whether I'll join in the gift buying or not. What usually wins out...is that I couldn't turn up to the family gathering...
[which I enjoy with its family warmth...and Auld Lang Syne being served]...bare handed. One year I did stay away from the
shopping and the family gathering...and even wrote a song about it called..."May Your Houses Be Warm"...and did quite a
bit of painting. Something tells me that this year..."as the days dwindle down to a precious few"...the family gathering will
win...pulling me before I attend it...to join the lemming rush to the stores. Given my dislike for the commercialization of
Christmas...going to the stores for the reason described...is what I would call...one of the "working contradictions"...we
sometimes have to engage in...in living this thing called Life..........................Quester.
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