Pictures Of Another Time 1

It could be said that our lives the present...a series of pictures from the
past. Some...we keep in our dusty albums...some...we keep in our computers...and some
...we simply keep in our minds. One of my songs says..."Pictures of another time and
place...the memory of a fading face...going where the short days go...". The moment a
photograph is is relegated "to another time"..."the past"...our pictures
are never of the "future"...they inevitably take us to the past...very recent...or
very long ago. Now that I've finally climbed the Mount Everest of posting pictures to
my blog...I hope to post some pictures...under the title..."Pictures of Another Time
and Place". I don't anticipate posting these in dogged chronological sequence...given
that that particular prison can stop you in your tracks. Instead...I hope to flit
across time...backwards and forwards...and maybe...even sideways. Today's picture
happens to be the earliest picture I have of myself...given on the river I grew up on
along with no electricity...or televisions...etc...cameras also were seldom seen...
the occasional picture taken...was usually by a priest...or visitor. Particulars: I'm
about ten years old...I am in my trusty "felt hat" and black t-shirt...sent
to me by a pen pal in Carey...Ohio...I am proudly displaying one of two cricket bats school..."Martindale R.C."...had been given...and I had been appointed
custodian of...I am standing on the "dam" in front of our thatched roofed school...
behind the cafe au lait coloured...Pomeroon River...forever enshrined in my mind...along which...we paddled in a boat with its gunwales only slightly above the get to school. I cannot recall who took this picture...but I am thankful
to them for doing me the one central picture of my early-ish childhood...
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