Wednesday, September 19, 2007

A Human To Human Gathering

My talking to and singing for a group of seniors yesterday wsnt very well. I think that it did because my focus was on the people I was relating with...and not on trying to sell cd's...or some other such commercial goal. Being interested...talking to a human to human way...not patronizing them...usually works out well. With appearing before audiences of children...that approach usually works also. I spoke to them about the benefits of daily each of them would have overcome all kinds of challenges in their lives...and had all kinds of experiences...that each of their lives was important and deserved to be told about...and keeping a daily journal was one place where that could be done. There was much more on the subject of journalling that I touched on...then I sang three songs for them..."Pretty Brown"..."Than an Oolican Can"...and "Blackberry Time"...during which they did some berry picking movements. We had fun with that one and there was laughter and good participation in picking those berries. After...a few of them came up and we chatted. One lady in her eighties...told me of how her father used to keep a diary...and showing much appreciation that he had left her some accounts of life in his time...mentioned how one of the things he told about in his diaries...was how it used to get to 60 Northern Ontario...and what they would do to protect themselves from the cold. I think it was her way of agreeing...that journalling was a valuable thing. It turned out to be a warm experience...and I was glad I took part in it.....................Quester.


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