Sunday, June 12, 2005


In a mirror that reflects back to you a picture of you that is could look at that picture and still see...instead...only
what you want to see,,,perhaps..."the fairest of them all"...or something unpleasant. How we appear to be to
coloured by many things...including our own perception of things and of ourselves...that may not be as true as the picture a good mirror returns to us. A healthy perception of the way we see ourselves needs some work...including the putting aside
of the clamourings of a puffed up ego...or its opposite...offering a picure to us shaped by our low self esteem...and working
on-goingly to be honest with one's self. It is said that a baby will tend to prosper if it sees approval and love reflected back
from its parent's eyes. This is the beginning of how we human beings offer mirrors to each other throughout life. Sad to say...the mirrors offered by others sometimes...are like those at "fun" fairs...where elongations, fattenings, and over-all
distortions...are sent back to you...about how ugly you look. Just as the way you laugh at such pictures and leave them life it is also important to put aside twisted pictures of yourself...when they are offered to others who in
their anger, frustration, or even projection of their own inner demons...offer you a picture...that in the years of getting to
know yourself and your know is still not you. Fortunately...there are people in the world who offer you
back...a picture of you...that is beautiful. might even think...but they've never seen me when I'm exhausted
or fed up or furious. can trim away the flattering aspects of their assessment of you...and be thankful for
their uplifting images of you...because you never know...when next you may find a "fun" fair...looking at don't recognise................Quester.


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