Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Wisdom On The Hoof

I remember telling a friend once that I didn't feel I had "wisdom on the hoof". My friend smiled. Don't know if it was in agreement...I would like to think it was the "quaintness of the phrase" that may have brought the smile. I mean by that
expression...quaint or not...that in the heat of any situation I'm is often difficult for me to come up with a well thought
out response to what is being asked of me. Years ago...after singing at a benefit concert...I was asked to do another one for
the same cause...within a day or two...but twelve hundred miles away. Without reflecting on what it would entail...I agreed.
The next day I started my long journey my own expense. The experience turned out not to be a pleasant
one....all around. After that trip...I resolved...never to be caught like that again...making promises...without
sudden requests. Since then...any requests for my services of that kind or any other...have been met with a polite "I'll let you know in a day or two"...allowing me time to consult my "Inner Sage"...who is usually not available...when I'm caught reaching for..."Wisdom on the Hoof"...........................Quester.


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