Friday, August 26, 2005

Priority and Momentum

For about three weeks now...preparing of songs to record... and recording them...has been my daily priority. I do my best to
multi-task...but I find focus on one thing...means it's not as much on other things. I've observed how my recording priority
has somehow made for shorter postings on my blog...not having as much time and focus to write longer ones...which some
might say is a good idea. I may have said before on my blog...I'm a "creature of momentum"...and I very much have my recording project. I hope to ride it until the cd involved is completed. My current focus on lead guitar
and percussion playing...have helped them to improve...from my simply engaging in them every day...which I don't usually do I focus...instead...on singing and accompanying myself on the guitar. Playing lead guitar is on a different wave length
from playing accompanying guitar. Instead of having something constantly going on under the song you are
have to pick your spots for laying in a figure on lead guitar...that augments rather than competes with the song you"re singing...resisting the urge to wail away constantly...throughout the song. I am enjoying recording my lead guitar parts...
despite the discipline involved. Instead of only getting back to it...when I am recording...perhaps I might even keep it up...
beyond the completion of this current cd.................................Quester.


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