Wednesday, August 10, 2005

What A Day!

What a day!...and it's only four in the afternoon. I made sure I was measured...relaxed...and well exercised...yesterday...
knowing what lay ahead...this morning. It has become one of the ways I prepare for a recording session...the getting myself
ready...the previous mind and the face the song writer's "high noon"...just you...your guitar...and your
experience doing this before...and knowing the need to get yourself into a quiet focussed you actually
well within yourself as possible. I remember how in my first recordings many years ago...I sounded like "Speedy Gonzalez"...
given the pressure involved...allowing that to push me to sing much faster than was good for the song. This is one of the reasons you have to be relaxed as you record...while still being quietly focussed. The one thing I didn't do yesterday...was
rehearse anything...given that by the day should be as ready as you are going to be. Anyway...I did get a few
hours sleep last night...which is one of the things you hope for the night before you record. I set out for the recording
studio at six-thirty this morning. I arrived there with the "great unknown" of what the session would bring...dampening my
expectations of how many songs...would be deposited Into my box of recorded songs...when I was through for the day...
telling myself that three or four would be good...don't dwell on more than that...just leave the whole thing to unfold as it
would. To start... I picked a song that I really enjoy singing...that is not difficult to sing...called "Weeds of Time". It didn't take too long after this to begin to "roll"...although I can't make any claims about "rocking". When the false starts...and the re-doing some songs for technical or quality reasons...was done for the day...I had recorded thirteen more songs!...enough for a cd...if I choose to make one from them. I gave thanks for this bonus of productivity...and exhausted though I was...kept saying to myself..."what a day!"......................Quester.


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