Sunday, October 23, 2005

Farm Festival...Random Notes

Went with my hosts to a farm festival yesterday...on the Saanich Peninsula. It was a
tribute to a farm family's versatility...with much to experience. Golden pumpkin...
corn...and scare crow decorations everywhere...a corn maze with children stepping off the saw dust track...and shreiking their delight and hiding among the tall stalks...
a pumpkin toss...with young men showing off their talent for heaving adoring
young women...Shetland ponies pulling Cinderella-like carriages...two llamas...with
dignified faces...Edmund and Indy...born on the fourth of July...eagerly reaching to
hands feeding them with corn husks...a tractor pulled ride through fruit trees...some
still with golden apples on and below them...a blue grass band rollicking through chirpy tunes interspersed with tear jerkers...children with their flushed faces
painted with Halloween colours...and more. It was good to be outdoors...and getting a glimpse of the good side of farm life...all on a pleasant temperatured afternoon...with
good company and friendly farm people...having been city bound too long......Quester.


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