Thursday, November 24, 2005

Fog Lifting

On many mornings I go out into the world to start my day. Not today...the fog for the
nth day in a row...[maybe it's a November thing] hiding all that lies beyond
fifty yards in front of my windows...estranging me from my helpers across the way...
my mountains. Yesterday...I went in the afternoon down to the Bay. The water not far from shore...not to mention the more distant mountain ranges...were blanked out there too...and I found myself deciding not to go for my walk by the water...and then important the vista before me has been...on the many walks I've taken
there...turning them into holistic experiences. This morning at home has been I drink my warm brew...and listen to exquisite pieces of music. With this
...another realization has come. It is about how we human beings...sometimes unwittingly let ourselves be what we let ourselves be exposed to...
frenetic disc jockeys and harsh music...newscasts and commercials...reinforcing a
cultural reality...that is not the only one available...but is the one we acquiesce to
...every day. As I listen to a succession of songs and instrumentala...I hear evidence
of another they speak to the tender...reflective...spiritual...dancing...
peace seeking...loving...indomitable...enduring...aspects of the species I belong to
...and for a while...the fog in my mind is lifted.............Quester.


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