Monday, November 21, 2005

There Is A River

There is a river that twists slowly up the dark shoulder of South a giant cafe au lait snake...disgorging itself beyond the wide mud flats that border the
wild Atlantic. There are many sister rivers running in snaking parallel through The
Land of Many Waters...carrying nourishment out to the Sea that stretches North...up
and the shores of The Kingdom of Salvation. This Mother River is only that it remains forever embedded...deep in the soul of one man...who
through the millenia since he paddled his black corial...over its unfathomable depths...from time to jolted out of his sleep the mysteries of
that water cocoon of his child days. Through this river...the Sea to the North...
brings salt deep into the bowels of this Land Below the Sea. In a cycle that never
ends...the well spring up in the high jungle...pushes the sweetness of the Earth...
back slowly down its mangrove sentried banks...repelling the invading salt once more.
The people who live there...cling precariously to the River's edges. They are often
very wise...but at the same time...often very approximate. Their unsheltered lives are
beaded with acts of daily courage...and rumours of impending doom...turned to gospel
by the second telling. They are people who fear God...and give their word as their
bond. They are the flowers of a garden of miscegination run riot. They are of all
human shades under the sun...clustered like rainbow blossoms...around the trunk of
the River. They are the sturdy descendants of a long line of rugged survivors...


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