Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Questions About Tools

Last two days I've been doing research...on a new model computer
...won't say which one...but I've been
asking a lot of a certain computer store. I don't know how other people do this kind of information gathering...but with's reflecting on the thing I want to know about... during that process...questions arise...and I put them that I can ask someone knowledgeable
about them. When it comes to a
sizeable item that I'm thinking of buying...there are usually many questions... until I reach the
point where it's a thumbs down on the object I was enquiring
about...or a resounding "yes". In the case of a computer...for me
...the questions revolve mainly around...the ways I am intending to use it...and whether it will deliver those particular
goods well. What a computer is going to be used mainly
likely to differ from person to me it's a question
of looking closely at what I'm going to use it for...then working
from there. Well...we'll see where my questioning takes me...
this time round..........Quester.


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