Monday, May 26, 2008

The Role Of Malaise

The skies seen through my front window...are harbouring mottled grey clouds tonight...
above a blue-grey mist...hanging over and down along the mountain sides. For
all contributes to my feeling a slight malaise. Was just thinking...that once upon a
time...this was the kind of pre-condition...that would nudge me towards writing a song
...or creating a poem. These days...these nights...when that often nudges me to create a new video...or edit a previously recorded one. Come to think of it...I have so many songs and poems...accumulated over the years...that perhaps...the larger job not so much to add to the long list...but to make good representations of them on replace versions of them...made on bad recording the past. This last year or so...I've done some catching up with that area of my artist's work...but there is still much work to be done there. So here's to the role of malaise in our lives...which if harnessed can produce much. I hope to keep harnessing it...until the day when I become totally blissed out...and have no more need to do much of anything.


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