Sunday, August 24, 2008

No To Gutter Sniping Online

Yesterday I viewed one of the "related videos"...YouTube puts next to the central video on one of their pages. The video itself...was in the Guyana dialect...which I understand...and it was funny in parts. So far so good. It was when I turned my the comments under it...that I ran into a syndrome I'd observed before...i.e. people slamming each other...and the the most disrespectful
and nasty ways...they could come up with. I have been very fortunate...that in uploading 135 YouTube...that I have received hundreds of affirmative comments about my videos...and only two I would classify as "nasty". These
two were inviting me into a trip down into the gutter...with their senders. My
response...instead of accepting their invitations...was to instantly delete them from
the two videos they were attached to. What the senders of the two rude messages didn't
seem to their reaching out for some attention...even if it involved
some "mud wrestling"...was that...that is not a game I usually play. I look upon
having a site on YouTube...on which to display some of my creative a
privilege...which I want to exercise in a peaceful and life affirming way...if at all
possible. This approach...of course...doesn't involve people hurling abuse at each
other. This crude and negative approach to the gift that YouTube humans
expressing themselves...may be regarded as the way to go in certain circles...and may
be representative of a larger decline in our world...but dinosaur from
a more civil time...though I may be...from where I stand...and connect with my
fellow Earthlings...has no place in our communication with each other......Quester.


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