Tuesday, October 07, 2008

The Red Circle Of Hope

At the bottom of my computer screen...my mail logo...is a blue backgrounded stamp...
with an eagle...its wings spread across the blue. When I'm at the computer...a musical
note is sounded...and a red circle appears at the top right end of the stamp...with
the number of pieces of mail on it...when an e-mail comes in. The reason I've been
nudged to give this description...is the note just sounded...and the red circle just
appeared...telling me someone has gotten in touch. Getting into some delayed
gratification...or deferred disappointment...I'm going to postpone...clicking to see
who or what got in touch. [As we know...it's not only people who send e-mails...
machines have also gotten into the act]. The spammers...or others who send non-uplifting e-mail...if they stopped to consider for a moment...the cutting
disappointment people can experience...when they check their e-mail...only to find it's another piece of humbug...that's found its way to their screens...and with a razor sharp reflex...click "delete"...might think twice before they send things out.
Perhaps...our anticipation...just before we check our e-mail...may be a manifestation
...of us human beings...tending to be ever hopeful...despite much experience to the
contrary. I once wrote a poem saying in essence...when would I learn that my rescue
won't come from my mailbox...or my e-mail. Well...maybe not "rescue"...but...once in
a while...in between the instantly deletables...their is actually...a word from a
loved one...or a piece of encouragement from a stranger...that comes my way. Now that
I've managed to get a blog entry out of my waiting...I'll post it...then I'll find
out...what it is that lies under the red circle of hope this morning.................................Quester.


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