Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Song Doctor Does His Job

I've been listening to a tape of melodies I created over the years...recently. One full blown song has already resulted from doing that...and about a week ago...I was surprised to find...a whole song on it...written it must be at least 15 years ago. It
was a song with..."a bit of chirp" it. By that phrase I mean...a bit of
cheekiness...even "tongue in the cheek" about it. The only problem for me with it...
was on listening to it all these years later...I could spot something...I didn't the heat of first writing it. That can easily happen...and that's where
auditioning some of your songs...long after you've written them...can cometimes help
a song...left in finally bloom. The problem was...on some lines...I was
over stating my case...e.g...making big sweeping statements...when something closer to
what is real...was required. Going on..."flights of fancy"...fits
certain songs...others...not so much. lunch three days ago...I found
myself humming this song in my mind. It was like an early warning system being
activated...and reminding return to really finishing it. I jotted
down some new words for part of the song in my journal. The day home...
I told is the day you finally finish this song...and seriously
started working on it. I wrote some more new words where they were required...and
before I knew it...I had a final version...of a song that had ended up...taking years
to write. The "song doctor" in me...had finally administered some strong medicine to
his patient...who had finally become healthy.................Quester.


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