Monday, January 26, 2009

The Graceful...And The Graceless

Two happenings out in my world...have reminded me of two classifications I carry in me
...about what I experience in my life...or witness in my world. They are the categories of the "Graceful"...and...the "Graceless". Let me elucidate...these are two broad categories...I put things in...when I have a mind to do so...while remaining open to new information...that mught cause me to upgrade...what first thought was "graceless" being for "a good reason"...regardless of its appearances...and being particularly mindful about taking note of the "graceful"...and even applauding it...sometimes. Two recent examples of these two categories come to mind. First...the news that a toy manufacturer is naming two new dolls...after the Obama daughters. At this time...for me...that falls into the category of the "graceless"...and the "predictable" too. Then there is the story of "Sully"...Captain Sullenberger...who
brought his plane down like a the Hudson river...saved 155 lives...and when honoured spoke very briefly...saying he and his crew...were just "doing their job". Right now...this is just about at th e top of my "graceful" list. May the "Acts of Grace" continue...out in my sometimes crass world.....................Quester.


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