Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Past Letters And Hauntings

This afternoon...I resumed sorting through boxes...that had been stored away for a
long time. Going through a box of documents going back to the
days when I lived in Britain...I was reminded of past chapters...and people in my
life...and...I must brought on some hauntings. In my long range clearing up of my home...I've already gotten rid of many things...but one thing that so far I
haven't gotten rid letters and cards received over the years. Something...
sentimental I suppose...makes me hang on to them...but in a way...I guess that
guarantees me some more hauntings up I run into them again. Perhaps the
time will come...when I might even consider...finally getting rid of my letters etc...
and in so doing drift into a forgetfulness...where certain hauntings...and their
reminders are left behind. For now...however...for better or worse...think I'll hold
on to my past communications with people I've known over the years...and if a
haunting should come again...learn to shrug and say to myself..."well...that's life know"..............................Quester.


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