Thursday, June 25, 2009

Video Quality Control

Last night...for the second time...I focussed on redoing a video...I'd first made
about two years ago. It was first my early days of making videos...when I
wasn't versed in all the options that were I edited a video. Perhaps...
I wasn't as subtle as I'd usually like to be in the choosing of the effects I did use.
In the first version of this video...I appear to be suffering from a terrible red rash
...I saw...once I had time to reflect on what it is I had done. Fortunately...I never
uploaded this version...but put it on my list of ones to redo. I suppose...I have my
own form of "organic quality control"..."things organic"...tend to take time to unfold. Early on...there were a few ones that slipped through that...and were uploaded. As my knowledge of video making...although incomplete...has increased from doing a lot of it...I think that I can "quality control" has gotten better. Every time I catch up with one of the videos I made...on my "to redo" list...and finally get it redone...I get a good feeling...that the redone video is now a good representative of my work. Here's to my "video quality control"...working better and better................Quester.


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