Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Friendly Spammers Of The World

There is someone who has been sending me a reminder to look at his Blog...every day...
for over three years now. I confess to not being crazy about this piece of persistent
friendly spam. My response to say..."good luck"...and click "delete". I've never attempted to block this particular piece of spam...because...knowing how hard it is to keep up a daily Blog...I don't want to send rejection this person's way. My hope is that one day...he will realize...that whether he had wished to do so...or not...he has more a world already overloaded...with unsolicited messages...and stop sending daily notices about his Blog. The thing is...I...of course ...don't need to be reminded of his entry for the day. I knew from the first notice he sent me...where to find his Blog...and would have preferred to have been given the freedom and go there...if I felt the need to read his Blog. What he doesn't seem to that his never ending notices...have become a nuisance...rather than an encouragement to read what he has to say. Wish me dealing with the friendly spammers of the world................Quester.


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