Monday, July 06, 2009

A Break Through Day

Two days ago...was the day I went on a picnic with friends...on one of many flawless
days in a row. Some time yesterday...the weather began to change...and today...the
rain was back. I really appreciated the beauty of previous days...but I found myself
having an elusive time...doing any thing about videos I have in mind...where I sing
songs. For me...sometimes...brilliant weather...can make it hard on focusing in...on
things to be done. Today's rains and grey skies...turned out to be a blessing in earlier this afternoon...I broke through my lethargy...did the necessary
preparation...and rehearsal...and ended up completing a video...with me singing and
playing guitar. Given what I do...that may not seem to be a large thing...but for me
it actually with the hot fine days...I had begun to wonder...if I'd ever do
one of those...ever again. me...was a break through day. Hope
there will be many more...................Quester.


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