Monday, August 16, 2010

A Spontaneous Meeting my coffee place where I often have a light lunch...a young man sitting
with a young woman at a nearby table...asked me what it was I was writing in the journal before me. That started us off into an animated and wide and hopefully deep ranging conversation...about creativity. Turned out that both he and his woman partner were also into creating written work. It was a most
stimulating spur of the moment chat we had...that ended up lasting quite a while. At one point...after we had talked about difficulties we had both had in relating with some of our family members...I ventured to say that we were talking about things that likely...we wouldn't be able to talk about with some members of our families. They agreed. Before parting we shared e-mail addresses and phone numbers. They live in my neighborhood and I have the feeling that we'll be meeting again. I enjoyed many aspects of our meeting...but the thing I appreciated most of all...was how people from different generations could come together...and so rapidly leave the usual walls that divide people behind...and communicate so sincerely with each other. This kind of meeting...I would like to so beneficial to those who take part in's a wonder it doesn't happen more often. At the end...I thanked the young man for having been the one to start us off. Perhaps in the future...I might get it be the initiator of such a fine piece of spontaneous human communication.....................Quester.


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