Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Sunset On The Docks-Blues Guitar

Seems to me that most people who play guitar...sooner or later...give playing the blues
a shot. It likely has something to do with the fact that...everyone...at one time...has
experienced.."having the blues". In my own musical travels...I've noticed the attraction
...that playing the blues has...for generation after generatipn...of young men...from
widely different cu;tures. I find myself...from time to time...getting the feeling...now...I want to play the blues. I find...as i'm sure many others do...that it gives me a kind of release...I had been needing. Needless to say...as the sun goes down...is a time when you're likely to find yourself...strongly called...to play the blues,,,as in this case...with the sun setting on the Vancouver docks. Other trends in music come and go...but the blues goes on and on................Quester.


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