Ruffled Homeostasis
In the previous posting, "Subective Realities", I wrote about not allowing yourself to be triggered to respond unconsciously,
when someone expresses a point of view, different from yours. I have taught myself to see such occasions that " ruffle my
homeostasis", as I call it, as often being opportunities when I might learn something, from looking at the cause of my
dissonance, and not as occasions to precipitately rise and do battle. As mentioned in another previous post, I tend to learn things much better, when I give myself "my own dignified time" to do so. I suspect this would be the preferred learning mode
for most people, rather than having something "shoved down their throats". Some years ago I wrote a piece about "ruffled homeostasis" and how it might be dealt with. It was recommending: That, if at all possible, you shouldn't rise up, and start defending your turf, when someone says something that causes you dissonance...but instead give yourself time to process what was said without being rushed. After looking at your initial upset, there are three options available to you...deciding that: 1. What has been proposed, does not fit with how you see life, at this time...or...will never fit into your life because of its obnoxiousness, so you will throw it out, and think no more of it. 2. Right now, you're not about to embrace what has been expressed...but it is interesting and deserves to be put in your "for future consideration" file. 3. What was said disturbed you... only because someone beat you to thinking and saying it... before you did...but come to think of makes sense...and could be incorporated into your view of life. Responding this way...likely contributes to peace in our warring world...and some of the time...results in learning something...that is likely to enrich your life. Quester.
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