Tuesday, July 12, 2005

No Regrets.........?

Years ago...I remember listening to Edith Piaff sing a song... which was saying "I regret nothing"...referring to the way the writer of the song had lived life. Even back then...when I didn't know what I know now about how unlikely it is...for an imperfect human being to deliver on living life perfectly...this notion of "no regrets" from a life lived...tweaked my interest. What lies behind a statement like that...by someone who has already lived much of his or her life?. Perhaps...it might be the putting forward of a cavalier image of one's self...as someone who has lived life "to the hilt"...which may not necessarily jibe with...how that person really feels...lying awake at three in the morning. Perhaps...it is a statement of defiance...in the face of the curves life can throw at you...or the messes you can make for yourself. Perhaps...it comes from a total acceptance of human imperfection...including your own...and all the judgement calls you made in dealing with the pressures and temptations of daily life. Perhaps...some...or all of the preceeding...and more...is what the "Little Sparrow" meant...when she stood...unbowed...and sang to the world..."I regret nothing"......................Quester.


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