Grey Ball Of Time
It's a grey morning in Vancouver. The grey outside...tends to amplify the grey inside...for myself...and I suspect...a lot of
other people. An old challenge presents itself once again. How...surrounded by outer and inner grey...the colour of inertia...
"been there done that"..."who cares"...and "why should I bother" pitch my being
affirming actions...or even thoughts. I've had a lot of practice in this area of life...having chosen to shape the colour and
content of my days...for a long time...instead of reporting to a 9 to 5 get my directives for the day. This is no slur
on those who show so much daily courage in reporting to their various jobs. It's simply that my challenges living life as a
free lancer...have been of a different order. Once wrote a song called "Grey Ball of Time"...which is about those times...for a
free lancer...when over many days having "sliced your time" well...running out of slices...and coming face to face with the
dragon of amorphous time. It is at these times most of all...when your skill at extricating yourself from the "grey ball"...
and reaching for something to counteract it...becomes life saving. Let me start my reaching...right now. Some more rehearsals are needed for my recording session tomorrow...which will put my cd...which I play all the parts on...closer to the
finishing line...there are good people who have written me...I have to reply to...there's a gig and a party coming up soon...
where I'll be seeing some of the people I like...I still can sing and play guitar...ride a bike or walk by the scratch the
surface of what's available to I guess that is so much of what life is about...exercising free will...choosing to go
with the grey...which is never far away...or rising and flying...on the wings of all your blessings........................Quester.
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