Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Care Of Songs

In today's studio session...i completed the recording of the final rythm guitar and percussion the songs for my
next cd. What this means is that I no longer have to focus on the twelve songs in come up with arrangement
ideas...the rehearsal of parts created...then facing whatever challenges may doing the recording of these parts.
There is a category in my work as a song-writer...I call "the Care of Songs" part. This is about making sure you have good
quality recordings of the songs you write. I have written many songs over the years...and despite the twenty plus cd's I've
made...many of my songs remain without this piece of "care"...i.e. the only versions I have of them were made on whatever
little cassette player was to hand...during the heat of creation. In the low technical quality of the recordings...
they were made usually...right after I wrote the song...without my being fully versed in singing or accompanying it. It usually
takes a song a while to "jell'...after you've written it. An optimum arrangement for a song doesn't often happen on the day
you write it...and as you sing the song after you have written might find it change words or even notes.
There are times when I've changed some of the words of a song...ten or more years after I've written it. In the songs I've
just finished recording...there are one or two that fall into that group. There is still the mixing of all the parts to be done...
and doing all that is needed towards having this cd...completed in all its aspects...and ready to "go out into the world"... of today...a dozen of my "created offspring"...have been "sent off to college"...with my work in creating and shaping
them...finally over..........................Quester.


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