Stories Of Our Earth Walk
Each of us has a story to tell. The ancient Greeks knew what they were doing when they came up with the story of Odysseus...
and his wanderings and overcomings of large obstacles...over many years. From the time we are born we are overcoming are each...indeed...on an odyssey...nothing less. There are many people who may feel...who me?...tell a
story?...write a book?...there hasn't been much of note that happened in my life. This may be "modest"...or the person saying
it...may have a blind spot...but from the time we came into this world...we have been experiencing all kinds of challenges...
and somehow...dealing with them or the extent that we have survived to this day. Living life is actually full
of natural dramas...turning away from temptations...learning new life skills that are difficult...overcoming physical
challenges...or stereotypes...simply surviving...or much more. These things are all grist for the mill of the stories of our lives.
If there is one thing I would like to share with others who would like to start telling their stories...but feel it's somehow
frivolous to do that each of our stories...for the reasons just mentioned...and deserving of being told. The
other sobering that the time we have to tell our stories is a limited thing...something we should remember as we
keep on postponing the telling. So...may the world be filled with the stories from the Earth Walk we each are on...and from
the telling may we find out more about who we really are...while there is time..........................Quester.
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