Thursday, September 29, 2005

The Auld Lang Syne Factor

Today I received an email from someone who heard me sing in an Ontario town over twenty years ago...bought an album at
the time...then sent away for others...and now that the days of vinyl are done...would like cd's of albums acquired then.
I have been priviliged to receive letters and similar vein...over the last while...with my finally becoming reachable
by email...helping the process along. For me...people reaching out like that...especially when much time has passed...has
always been much more than "business" to me. helps me to feel I am part of a sisterhood/brotherhood...
where my music has been the catalyst to bring us together...but I am really fortunate to be connected...with some of my
fellow human beings...when we might never have been in touch with each other. When the connection is renewed over the
gulf of time particularly touches me. It is part of what I call "The Auld Lang Syne" factor in my life...the treasuring
of the good people I've been fortunate to know...from times long gone...and to this day. In the years that have passed...I
know that all our lives would have changed...sometimes dramatically...that time would have written on all of our faces...that
we would...likely...all have arrived at a deep appreciation...of a human connection...regardless of how much we have seen
each other over the passing years. I feel truly fortunate...that my music has helped this connection with some of the dear
people I've met along the way...or know a part of me through my songs. And so today...I thank all of those who have gotten
in touch again...despite so much "water under the bridge". As someone who has never looked upon my creations as part of
an "industry"...but to do with "being human" is these ones who have encouraged me on my road as an artist....
and an Earth Walker...who knows well...the value of "Auld Lang Syne"................................Quester.


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