Thursday, January 26, 2006

What Remains Unsaid

Isn't it interesting how we human beings turn life experiences...where we suffered from anxiety...or even terror...into stories
we tell glibly...with a laugh or two added...that certainly weren't there when we were going through the experience in
question. What is behind this turning of our difficult experiences...into stories vastly different...especially emotionally...from
when we were experiencing them?. You could speculate endlessly about the reason for this tendency. One possible reason
may be...that we do it to help ourselves survive...perhaps knowing innately that people would grow impatient very
quickly...and avoid us...if we talk about our actual suffering. And so...what we actually go through...often remains "unsaid" we become better and wringing a laugh or two...about events in our lives...where laughter was never part...
of the original experience....................Quester.


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