Saturday, February 04, 2006

The Sun Will Return

Today was another grey and wet it wasn't one for taking pictures outdoors. Instead...I started indoors into the long postponed taking of pictures of my paintings and drawings. The pictures I took...kept having slanted sides and simply not
being the desired straight on rectangular pictures...there's obviously something I yet have to learn...about taking "straight on" pictures of about today's pictures presenting a large job for the "cropper" to get into. It's amazing though
how being able to trim off slanted sides...made most of the cropped pictures look presentable...there are a few ...however...
I'll simply have to do over...some having slanted lines left inside of the cropped picture...and of course just
about all...had parts of the original painting or drawing...trimmed away. Still...even here...the results of today's croppings...were good to look upon. Overall there were some learnings in what was done today...and my "picture" momentum...was kept going...with new pictures added to my collection. Still so much to learn...but it's all been such an
enlivening journey...and I look forward to the rest of it...and they are saying...the sun will return tomorrow...............Quester.


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