Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Creativity Rules 5

[This is the post for Thursday March 16th]There is a line from a Beatles song...and possibly from eastern wisdom traditions...
that says..."there's nothing you can do that can't be done" goes on to say..."it's easy". Well living the creative life from the age of twenty three...I haven't found it "easy"...perhaps I haven't transcended as highly as I should have. However...from my early days as an artist to now...I've lived the first part of that statement to the hilt...being totally self taught in my five creative idioms...without attending one class or seminar about it...knowing at a deep level that if you can "do" have no need of such baggage...that might even end up curbing your creativity...given it is a "wild bird"...and doesn't like having its wings tied by any prisons. After I'd simply got on with creating for many years...needing no extraneous stuff to help me do it...I decided to look at what some of the book writers had to say about it. It was good to engage in this exercise...because it underlined for me...once and for all...that doing research about creativity...and hearing what different people have to say about never a substitute for living an actively creative life. That is what matters about the
creative artist's life...doing the actual creative work...not researching about it...
dreaming about it...talking about it...or trying to gain notoriety doing a little bit of it...but engaging in heavy and protracted schmoozing...and it's shadowy relatives order to make a little go a long way. None of
those things matter. Exercising your creative what matters...not
posturing as a creative person...who is more interested in acclaim...than doing the
actual work. Continuing to focus on doing artist's where I choose to make my is only one man's approach to creativity...but it's a place that
all the smoke and mirrors in the world...cannot obscure from me...that...and continuing to know that..."there's nothing
you can do that can't be done"............Quester.


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