Sunday, March 26, 2006

Launch...Random Notes

[This post is for Monday March 27th. Picture taken at the the
90's] Today's account of the launch will not be the p.r. version...but about how it
felt to me. Random notes...Early on a nice clump of people from Guyana
was a pleasant surprise...then there were other earlyish birds. However we were late we waited for several other people who had said they were coming. We
waited...and waited...but they never showed. I hear the Norwalk virus is around...that
could have been the reason for their absence. We finally started...showing a video of
excerpts of tv projects I've been involved my "vinyl days". I was sitting right at the I couldn't see psople's faces...but I could hear a pin I knew they were looking and listening...and I could hear some laughter relevant moments. I then introduced three friends who performed beautifully and helped to give me a lift. I was dead tired...and those who were going to come but didn' always...knew that I was thankful for the good nucleus of people who had come. It took me about three songs to warm up...and later
a songwriting friend joined me on the piano...and we did some blues...and "Black
Berry Time" at the end...which really helped us to end on a lovely note. After...
several people came up...acquiring cd's...and a young woman with a soulful face...
and offering much empathy...reminded me that if you really connect with one person
in a situation like this...that suffices. Seems there was more than one fine
connection this my surprise...the owner of the launch site...
animatedly asking me for one of my cd's...which she immediately played over the sound
system. So...out of initial disappointment...some great overcoming was done...and
there was much help and encouragement given from friends present. This morning...I'm
thinking...I might actually do this again...up ahead............Quester.


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