Tuesday, March 21, 2006

My Spring

[This picture was taken by me...yesterday...the "first day of spring" which...for me...
has been going on for nearly two months]
Poem: My Spring........"February afternoon...the sidewalks are bathed in a golden
tinged sun light...that promises much after so much rain. Spring out here starts in
January I tell people...who have not noticed the witch hazel...cherry blossoms...and
snow drops,,,blooming since the end of January...or before...and are waiting for
March 20th...to give themselves permission to experience spring. This giving away of
our senses and faculties...to powers outside of ourselves...before we can decide...
what songs...poems...or books we like...or whether the season unfolding around us...is
happening...rather than developing our own ears and eyes...and imaginations...is not
for me. I prefer...to make up my own mind about things...as I walk and breathe...while
the Seasons...and Creation...unfold around me...still wide eyed...after all these years............."


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