Saturday, July 08, 2006

One Song At A Time

Earlier today...took quite a few pictures...on my walk back from Commercial Drive.
Can't help notice how tattered some of the flowers look...and we're only into the first
week of July. Also the grass is sere in many places...the lush green of early June long the rain has dwindled and the sun has after day. It underlines
why the freshness of early spring...means so much to me. You really notice the
difference a week or two can you keep taking pictures across the seasons.
I'm not complaining...however...summer has its own special fine energy...and it is oh so fleeting. This afternoon I returned to listening to a tape of my songs...and taking I look to select a bunch to work on...for my next recordings. A realization
came to me as I did this. It was that when I go to work on my music...the first thing
I must put aside the "largeness of the task"...although there are many songs yet to be recorded. The thing is to de-intensify...and calmly work at a time.
I should know by now...that if you peck away at after day...they accrue...
and there's no real need for intensity as I "peck away".................Quester.


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