Tuesday, June 27, 2006

At Peace Wherever...?

There was an old folk song I used to sing...before I started writing songs...that had
a most intriguing verse...which I will try to reconstruct as best as I can..."Would
that I were where I would be...Then I would be where I am not...But here I am where I
must be...For where I would be I cannot". In a way...mysterious words...but in another way...very understandable. It speaks to me...of the longing most human beings...I think have experienced...the hankering to be somewhere other...or in some other situation...than the one they find themselves in. In the old song this verse is from...at the centre of the situation...was a lover separated from his love...one of the most ancient themes there is. That...however...is not the only time the feeling expressed in the words quoted...can come upon you. Today...has been one of a string of hot days in a row...we've experienced on the West Coast...and I find myself with a bit of that feeling...i.e. a restless feelimg...with the ocean calling you to go on to its shores...while at the same time telling yourself..."but you can't always run to the ocean"...and staying where you are...but still...with the restlessness hovering. I guess the lesson awaiting under this feeling...is to learn to be perfectly at peace...wherever...or in whatever situation you happen to find yourself in...............Quester.


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