Tuesday, March 10, 2009

More Strings To My Cyber Bow

I was up in the wee hours this morning...when I received a nudge..."How about seeing
if for the first time you can embed one of your YouTube videos into your Blog?". I was
running the risk of getting my mind too awake just before bed time...but I decided to
see if I could pull it off. I went to YouTube Help. At first what was proposed seemed
too complicated...but I persisted. The result is...the YouTube video you see...right
below this entry..."Dawn On My Mountains". It always gives me a lift when I figure out
actually how to do another function online...and getting this done certainly did that...within a week or so...figuring out how to make playlists...and now this. Does
this mean I am finally on my way to geekdom?. I somehow don't think so...there are so many gaps in my cyber knowledge...it's going to take a long time for that to happen.
I chose "Dawn On My Mountains"...as the first piece of embedding...as it has quietly
grown to be one of my favourite videos...among the ones I have on YouTube...a video
made totally spontaneously...based on a first look out of my morning window and seeing
the state of the skies...and knowing immediately...here is a video I have to make...
whether I'm ready for it or not. Actually...what I like about this video...is it is a
fine representative...of the beauty present in Creation...if we keep our eyes open to
seeing it. More I could write about "Dawn"...but suffice it to say...that being able
to embed YouTube videos into my Blog...gives me some more strings to my cyber bow...
which...up ahead...I am likely to deploy. For this I am thankful........Quester.


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