Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Sharing Artist's Work Free Of Hoops And Chains

Yesterday...I replied to a request...from a new magazine...in my country of origin...
Guyana...for an interview...to be conducted by e-mail...i.e. questions sent...then
responded to. I thanked the sender of the e-mail...then suggested that they look at
my videos on YouTube...given that whenever possible...I prefer to let my work speak
for itself...especially in relation to something like an interview...given that
viewing some of the work on video...might trigger some questions. What a privilege it
is...to have such a fat slice of my work available online...that interviewers...or
others asking something of me...can check out...with a click or two. I have never had a publicist...and weaned myself away from what critics had to say...a long time ago. For me...there is a powerful logic...in a creative artist...letting his work...speak for itself. This...of course...works best if there are still people out there...who can make up their minds about the quality of the work before them...rather than going by what they read in the newspapers...see on television...or hear on the radio...
generated by middle persons. One of the many wonderful things about my YouTube
experience...is that my channel has accrued ample evidence...that there are still
people who can make up their own minds about things. As a person who delights in being
free of middle persons...as an artist...and is a freedom lover in general...to me it
is a special gift...to have been given a means...of sharing my work...in my world...
free of past hoops and chains. I am very thankful for ir.................Quester.


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