Saturday, May 09, 2009

An Unlemming Kind Of A Guy

The world is all atwitter with twittering...but I remain one of the old timers...still not ready to join this particular lemming stampede. It's not that I'm against this new online's just that I've never been one to do anything...because everyone else is doing it. Not that long ago...computers and things online...were not in my life. I was in danger of this magical technology passing me by. But then came the "nudge from the deep". I tend to live my life...based on nudges from the deep becoming insistent...and a reason to do something new...becoming clearer and clearer...until it cannot be denied. So it was with my first computer...making digital pictures...then videos...then my YouTube era. Again and again...I have been join this or that social network...or engage in this or that online...but I haven't taken the bait. I hope that those who have approached me about such things...don't take it's just that the nudge from the deep to do these things hasn't yet come...and until it does...these things are not likely to happen for me. I'm just "an unlemming kind of a guy" his organically as he can. Popular trends may come and go...but no participation. There...I've just utilised this blog do more than twitter away my afternoon...and so far...I like it like that....................................Quester.


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