Monday, January 04, 2010

A Near Resolution

This new's not so much out right resolutions I've's more bringing
into my consciousness moreso than before...areas in my life I need to work on. One
of replying to e-mails...or any other messages received...more promptly.
I have found that if I don't reply immediately to a message received...e.g. on the
same day it comes to me...I tend to put myself in danger...of getting into a slide
about when the eventual reply will happen. There are many reasons...of course...why
you might not reply right away.'s because you want to a
well thought out way...rather than in a rushed one. In some may not wish
to show..."squalid haste" in your reply. I've never used the phrase..."I jumped at it" my life...having an old school sense that being dignified in how you proceed
is preferable. However...I know well...not showing squalid haste...can easily turn
into long delayed replies. may wish to send an encouraging message to
someone...and you'd prefer not to dish out a quick slice of humouring in your reply
so you wait for the right words to come. Yes...there are many reasons why you don't
reply right away...but somewhere in the forest of reasons...there is a way to "get
with it". Hope I find it this year...................Quester.


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