Saturday, May 21, 2005

Choosing Your Company

In my recent posting: "Teachers Everywhere", I mentioned a category of teachers called the "aggravators", and how there are
things to be learnt from your bruising inter-actions with them. is true that with people like that you are given
opportunities to learn something about living life. However...there is another outcome likely to happen when "lacerators", as
they may also be called, keep intruding into your peaceful life. It's a sad thing really...because there is so much potential
available when two people meet, or inter-act, for sharing something beautiful together...but in our "real world"...some people
blow these chances...again and such ways as...saying tactless things on and on...responding to your sensitivity with
crudeness or a lack of empathy...practising one-up-man-ship on-goingly...wanting to talk all the time but seldom willing to
listen...and looking upon your peacefulness as weakness, and, therefore, an invitation for them to attack etc. etc. When we
keep being faced with this behaviour...we tend to remove ourselves from the presence of such people. I, personally, don't believe we can ultimately judge another human being, given we never have enough evidence of their totality, to venture a
judgement. is short...and, of course, we have the right to choose who we'll spend precious pieces of our time
available with...and this is what we tend to end up doing...unless we are masochists who need the lacerations. It has to be
said, that life is, also, about working through our blind, backward and aggravating traits. Those who do not actively enter into this part of the journey...are likely to find themselves...with less and less victims...for their offensive behaviour. To learn to approach others with peace and good will to the fore, and to refrain from pain inflicting actions, is one of the best things a human being can do to foster good relations with others. So..."aggravators" of the past...thanks for the lessons you have taught me...but I have a sense...we are not likely to be meeting again...any time soon...........Quester.


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