Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Poem: Slight Furtherances

Through my window on the world...I see...sprig of tree...
russett tipped and swaying...
grey pigeon and white gull...on speckled roof top...
Further on...ever green branches up-thrusting...
Then...rectangles and squares...crawling up Grouse Mountain...
Sloping patches of white against the dark green...
for those having fun as they slide down hill...
In the absence of blue above the mountains...
it would be easy to go directly to bed...
the greyness of the sky is too much like...
the greyness inside...but instead...
today...I seek a "slight furtherance" of my life...
whether the rain is coming...or not...
A small advance with each day...is as good a goal as any...
past the time of ego sending forth unbridled dreams...
you look for your liberation and continuation...in smaller places...
Perhaps...gradually assembling...a necklace of "slight furtherances"...
flags to mark...each time you could have...but didn't...
surrender to...the beckonings of an ever present inertia.....................


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